Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan for Vilafranca del Penedès

Clients: Diputación de Barcelona, Ayuntamiento de Vilafranca del Penedès

Partners: None

Our Urban Mobility Plan for Vilafranca del Penedès analysed different transport systems, evaluating people’s and  goods’ mobility. Based on this diagnose, we defined a set of actions that aimed to implant the most sustainable way of commuting (walking, biking and public transport), which benefitted the environment, as well as social cohesion and economic growth. In doing so, we secured a better life quality for the residents. 

We also carried out an environmental evaluation ir order to identify current emissions and project future emissions with the implementation of the Plan.

Study of the demand for mobility in the peri-urban area of Pontevedra

Client: Ayuntamiento de Pontevedra

Partners: Seteiotivas S.Coop.Galega

We analysed the viability and sustainability of the operation of a collective transport service on demand, using low capacity vehicles, which provided service in the peri-urban area of Pontevedra.

In a first phase, the mobility of the Pontevedra’s peri-urban area was identified and characterized, and its evolution was analysed. The study was complemented by a field work that analysed the average daily traffic and the rotation of license plates in parking lots, as well as personal and telephone surveys that determined the origin-destination matrices and the preferences of users of public transport and private vehicles.

The administrative and legal organization options and the regulations for the start-up of the service were reviewed, taking into account both the Galician and Spanish regulations in addition to the European directives required in spending programs that depend on financing from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

Mobility study and road management proposal in Girona

Client:Municipality of Girona

Partners: None

We studied different alternative of management of the living spaces of Sant Narcís avenue and Mare de Déu del Pilar street in Girona, analyzed the effects of the alternative in the neighbourhood of Sant Narcís and its influence scope, and proposed the most beneficial ordinations. 

The planning proposals were different, adapted to the distinct sections of Sant Narcís and evaluated according to their effects on the system of mobility, road safety, commercial, cultural, teaching, social cohesion, gender and other aspects indicated in the fold of the project. Moreover, they were consistent with the forecasts of the plans and programs of Girona City Council.

Development of strategic and sustainable transport and logistics infrastructure plan

Client: Federal government of Brazil

Partners: JM Souto, Ramboll, Imtraff, Iber-geo

We aimed to provide specialized technical services to improve the Government’s Road Concessions Program (PROCROFE) by building a strategic plan for the Program within 18 months. The plan should consider governance and management tools that facilitate the determination of measurable guidelines, objectives and targets, as well as the development of performance targets, allowing greater transparency for implementation, monitoring and evaluation of PROCROFE and the implementation of a risk management system.

Transport model for the Master Plan of Roads and Master Plan of the Bus network of Saudi Arabia

Client: Advanced Logistics Group SA (ALG)

Partners: None

We built a macroscopic model for road and public transport simulations in Visum within the framework of the Master Plan of Roads and Public Transport. By doing it, we simulated future growth scenarios of the socioeconomic variables of the country and of mobility, as well as planned infrastructure investments.

Collaboration in the new car-sharing service of Gerona

Client: Ajuntament de Girona

Partners: None

We carried out the dimensioning and drafting of part of a project put into practice to establish the service of a carsharing system in the city of Girona.

Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) for the City of Zadar

Client: EY Croatia

Partners: None

We developed a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) for Zadar, a strategic plan designed to satisfy the mobility needs of people and businesses in cities and their surroundings for a better quality of life. SUMP aims to create a better urban transport system by improving safety, security, and sustainability, reducing air and noise pollution and enhancing the attractiveness and quality of the urban environment and urban design for the benefits of citizens, the economy and society as a whole. This plan also involves types of traffic that have less impact on the environment, use sustainable energy sources, which are more energy-efficient and increase citizens quality of life. 

We developed SUMP through research and data gathering processes, by defining goals and measures for their achievement, and by interacting with key stakeholders.

Development of Sustainable Public Transport Plans in Saint Lucia and La Grenada, Caribbean Region

Client: Caribbean Development Bank

Partners: Insuco, Ilaco

We investigated the key issues affecting the quality and efficiency of road-based public transport services and recommended an action programme to improve the transport system in Saint Lucia and La Grenada. In addition, we proposed an appropriate institutional framework comprising legal, regulatory and policy measures and suggested measures to curb the increasing demand for private automobiles.

Parking Management Policy and Strategy for the Paramaribo Inner City

Client: Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo

Partners: Uno, Ilaco

We developed a policy for parking management for Paramaribo Inner City, in order to provide availability of parking spaces, which encourages citizens to drive to the city centre to carry out activities, and to reduce the illegal street parking, which causes congestion and invasion of sidewalks affecting all citizens. 

New distribution of mobility to C-32 and C-33 corridors with the release of the toll

Client: Infraestructuras de la Generalitat de Catalunya, SAU (Generalitat de Catalunya) 


We carried out an analysis of the impact of the toll release on the mobility in the corridors of the C-32 and C-33 highways, which connect Barcelona with the Maresme and Vallès Oriental respectively. Throughout this project, proposals for improving connectivity and reconfiguration of these roads and the entire road network of the corridors were also evaluated. The release of the toll allowed to change the road configuration and provide greater accessibility to these roads by improving and/or creating new links and access roads, as well as studying complementary measures on parallel roads where a decrease in traffic is expected as a result of the absence of tolls, such as N-II and C-17 highways.