Data estimations based on the Spatial Multidimensional Database for ESPON FUA tool – Functional Urban Areas and Regions in Europe, 2020


Partners: Autonomous University of Barcelona – UAB (leader), University of Geneva – UNIGE, GISAT, Randbee Consultants

The activity is mainly directed towards developing tools to benchmark and analyse data on the current situation and recent trends in functional urban areas (as defined by the Eurostat and OECD) and other functional regions in Europe (like local labour market areas, etc.) using a set of indicators. As a harmonized EU-OECD functional urban area definition exists and Eurostat is working on methods how to establish comparable labour market areas across the EU, this activity will not focus on research to establish new (improved) functional delineations. Instead it is foreseen as mainly a data gathering, developing and benchmarking exercise.


Gathering and updating data, mapping and analysing quality of life in European regions, metropolitan areas and urban and rural regions, 2021


Partners: ISINNOVA (leader), Metis, University of Eastern Finland, University of Delft (subcontractor)

The objective of this service is to build on key relevant initiatives and work listed in the previous section, mainly by EUROSTAT, the OECD and the UN, and provide evidence, knowledge and recommendations on how quality of life in Europe, its cities and regions can be promoted and achieved in practice and how quality of life aspects can be integrated in territorial development strategies at different geographical levels and in relation to a place-based approach to territorial development.


Analysing how technological transformation is reflected on the territorial level and context conditions that favour technological change, 2021


Partners: The Politecnico di Milano (leader), Technopolis Group, Slavo Radosevic, EUROREG, Centre for European Regional and Local Studies, University of Economics in Bratislava

The objective of this research is to provide a pan-European investigation of the territorial dimensions of current technological transformations and the transitioning of regional economies in Europe. The research will develop an understanding about what the technological transformation means from a territorial perspective and examine how emerging technologies are actively (re)shaping regional economies in different geographical contexts and the territorial and structural changes they are bringing (and likely to bring) about, focusing, in particular, on the transport, manufacturing and energy sectors, where the territorial impacts are likely to be strongest and most pervasive.