MCRIT co-creation framework developed in the ESPON programme, 2017

Client: European Commission, ESPON 2020 Programme

Partners: Spatial Foresight GmbH (Leader), Spiekermann & Wegener, ISINNOVA, Basque Center BC3, Centre urban & territorial development, Institu Rozwoju, TU Delft, ÖIR

MCRIT co-creation framework was developed in the ESPON Program (2017). It involves the collaboration among a suite of stakeholders, including policy-makers, managers, planners, and citizens to understand the problems, explore future alternatives, create visions by consensus and develop robust strategies in ways that are feasible. To enable this interaction and facilitate knowledge production we propose a stepwise framework.

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Participation activities within the framework of the Strategic Plan for Economic and Local Development of Vallès Oriental

In order to know the opinions of local and economic agents in a participatory way, thematic and transversal working groups are carried out to tackle the different strategic objectives addressed and the strategic lines to follow at the regional level, both in the field of employment, economic development and local business support.

The Working Groups follow the methodology of a participatory process based on co-creation between agents groups and actors of the territory to understand the problems, explore future alternatives, create visions of consensus and develop strategies that are feasible in the long run.

The dynamics of the different sessions are divided into three activities. First is the characterization of strategies based on existing initiatives or proposals. Next, the assessment of the strategic nature and viability of the strategic lines under discussion, and third, a participatory process to imagine and foresee the future, is open to all participants

A co-creation workshop: Students from Basseroles Primary School imagine how to improve their town!

Projects such as the “City of Children”  show how co-production of knowledge workshops involving children can lead to the acquisition of a fresh sensitivity and competence by city/town administrators and technicians.

In April 15th-18th we conducted two participatory workshops in Basseroles Elementary School. The objective of the workshops was to provide the opportunity for Sant Miquel de Balenya children to implement their ideas for improving their community. Through an experience of collective participation, primary school children developed real projects ideas to improve their home town, understanding and resolving situations that affect them. The whole process made them realize how their own ideas could improve the reality around them.

This activity was promoted by Ersilia Foundation ( with the aim of testing innovative teaching methods. The activity had the support and supervision of Basseroles school teachers, and the enthusiastic participation of 55 children. The group was composed by teachers and students from 3rd to 6th grade, around 55 people participated.

Espon study Towards a Territorial Reference Framework for Europe, 2019


Partners: Spatial Foresight (LU),European Policy Centre (BE)

The purpose of this ESPON Applied Research Activity is to respond to the policy demand and produce, through a substantial pan-European stakeholder dialogue, a Territorial Reference Framework for Europe to inform, catalyse and animate the upcoming policy debate on a Territorial Agenda post-2020. The Territorial Reference Framework shall be articulated through the two primary objectives of this Applied Research Activity, as follows:

  • Produce a long-term territorial development perspective for Europe in order to assist in informing and shaping the territorial dimension of post-2020 EU strategic policies and longer term cohesion goals; and,
  • Provide workable and realistic mid-term policy proposals for the integrated governance of Territorial Agenda post-2020, and strategic investment programmes in Europe’s territories, regions and cities, as a means towards the advancement of the long-term territorial development perspective.


RELOCAL – Resituating the Local in Cohesion and Territorial Development, EU and neighbourhood countries, 2020

Client: European Commission Horizon 2020 Programme

Partners: University Eastern Finland, ILS Germany, University Newcastle, Stockholm University, Nordregio, James Hutton Institute, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, DELFT University, University of Luxemburg, University of Lodz, Desire Foundation, University of Thessaly

EU Horizon 2020 research project ‘Resituating the local in cohesion and territorial development’ – RELOCAL aims to identify factors that condition local accessibility of European policies, local abilities to articulate needs and equality claims and local capacities for exploiting European opportunity structures. It is based on case studies of local contexts (cities and their regions) that exemplify development challenges in terms of spatial justice. Case study locations will thus be chosen to allow for a balanced representation of different institutional contexts.

FLAGSHIP – Forward Looking Analysis of Grand Societal cHallenges and Innovative Policies, EU, 2015

Client: European Commission / FP7

Partners: ISINNOVA (Italy), OEAW-VID (Austria), BC3 (Spain), SIGMA (France), CEPS (Belgium), HiiL (The Netherlands), CDS (Bulgaria), ICS-UL (Portugal), KNAW-NIDI (The Netherlands), OME (France), S4S (Luxembourg), SEIT (Estonia), SEURECO (France), SAN (Poland), TNO (The Netherlands)

FLAGSHIP helps to anticipate major challenges that Europe will have to face in the next 20-30 years in the context of the Innovation Union, assessing the impacts of medium to long-term demographic, economic, political and technological trends in Europe in a world context.  The global challenges on focus include: An environmental challenge: The need to change the current ways in which essential natural resources are used – due to the non-sustainable human over-exploitation. A societal and economic challenge: The need to anticipate and adapt to societal changes – including political, cultural, demographic and economic transformations in order for the EU to develop into a truly competitive and inclusive knowledge society in the world context. A governance challenge: The need for more effective and transparent governance for the EU and the world – with the creation of more transparent and accountable forms of governance able to anticipate and adapt to the future, but also to spread democracy and transparency on the global level.

Completion of the process of midterm evaluation of the Pernambuco Rural Project, Brazil, 2016

Client: Government of the State of Pernambuco Secretariat of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform – SARA / The World Bank

Partners: Aquino Consultores / BBG

The Sustainable Rural Pernambuco Project – PRS aims to support the development of associative enterprises, enabling the insertion of family farmers in the market in a competitive way and expanding access to water and other complementary rural infrastructures, in order to increase the income. In this context, the Support Program for the Small Rural Producer – ProRural, the project management unit, has been working with the objective of minimizing poverty and improving the quality of life of the rural population. It provides human and financial resources in social and productive projects, aimed at the sustainable development of communities, which include 180 municipalities of the State articulated in 54 productive networks. The project aims to conduct a process of analysis, annual evaluation and mid-term evaluation of PRS actions in relation to Components 1, 2 and 3 based on the logical framework and the indicators determined for the end of the project.

Traffic Study and Capacity of the link between the F-20 and route 5 in Nogales, Chile, 2018

Client: Esteyco / Ministry of Public Works of Chile

The purpose of the project is to carry out a traffic study and analysis of the capacity of the link between the F-20 and Route 5 roads in Nogales, within the framework of the F-20 split project between Nogales and Puchuncavi.

Designing the new Cost-Benefit Analysis methodology to assess health and conviviality in cities, 2019

Client: Autoritat de Transport Metropolità (ATM) Barcelona Area

The objective is to adapt the Transportation Investment Evaluation System (SEIT) to urban and metropolitan transport improvement investments. An analysis includes all the elements that contain the investment evaluation methodologies, making a critical analysis and proposing new elements to be considered taking into account the latest work done by the ATM, both of practical cases and new methodologies.


Analysis of the state of the art of flexible transport in l’Alt Pirineu i Aran in the framework of the European project Last Mile, 2018